Tag Archives: timing

The Future…

This week I have been kind of stressed about the future and how everything is going to work out. At BYU-Idaho there is so much pressure to be a good student, get married quick, make a difference in the world once you leave, etc. Seriously, I can only handle one thing at a time, which is, right now, working on being a good student. Of course, I plan on marriage and a family, but whether you like it or not, you can’t just make someone marry you, getting a degree sometimes takes longer than four years, classes can be really, really hard, and maybe you’re not as smart as you think. However, thinking positively, there is hope. It is possible to get an education, be smart, get married, and succeed in the world. It just doesn’t seem to be happening all that quickly for me.


I know there is hope because I’ve seen all of this happening to other people around me all the time. In fact, everyone around me seems to have all of this stuff happening… which is lessening my chances to find a man (in terms of marriage).  🙂

Okay, I just need to chill out. I know that things will work out. In fact, the last two days I’ve been unusually excited for the future, even though I really don’t know how everything is going to work out. It all goes back to faith and trust. Seriously (which is one of my favorite words), it will all work out, God has a plan, and I’ve just got to keeping having faith and trusting in His timing.

Below is a great video that has to do with having hope for a bright future.


Marriage is a miracle

Lately, my older sister, Diana, and I have been thinking a lot about marriage and dating (or lack of dating in our case). Man, this whole dating and marriage thing seems ridiculously hard and sometimes impossible. How are you supposed to find a guy that has the same standards as you, is a member of the Church, actually wants to get married, and is decent looking? Yeah, all four of those things don’t seem to fit very many guys. Seriously, the guys that it does fit are already married.

Speaking of which, there have got to be at least half of the guys here at BYU-Idaho that are married. I have never seen so many rings on guy’s left hands before. It’s funny, we joke that we first look at a guy’s face, then his hand, then either away or back to his face (if he’s single).     For me, another one of the frustrating things is that it seems that the only guys that are comfortable talking and having a long conversation are the married ones because they don’t have to worry about finding a mate anymore and are comfortable where they’re at.

I serious believe that marriages are miracles. Seriously. Having all the different factors work together and knowing that it’s right with the Lord, getting married is incredible. If nothing else, being an old single lady at BYU-Idaho (I’m 22), has taught me how much the Lord has a hand in good marriages, as long as the man and woman involved are focused on what God wants them to do. However, I do think that through this frustration, it will make finding the right person and getting married in the future more significant and I think I’ll be way more appreciative and grateful of the Lord’s hand in my marriage since I didn’t get married right after starting college. Also, because I’m not yet married, I’ve had the opportunity to focus on my education without having the worries of a home and family to take care of yet.

I think the biggest thing is to not rush or force something that you want and forget about the Lord’s timing. He knows what is best for you and he knows the potential people that you could marry that could be right for you. He knows who you’ll end up marrying and when it will happen, so really, as long as someone knows and sees it all, it should be okay, right? But, man, it’s not very easy being patient and getting your hopes up time and again, only to have them crash back down.

I seriously (I like the word “seriously” if you can’t already tell) can’t wait until everything works out and I find the man that is right for me and get married when it’s the right timing. It will be great. Yeah, that doesn’t mean that other problems won’t arise and trials and challenges come up, but it’s one more step to becoming closer to and more like God, and I can’t wait to start down that path.

And of course, to end with a video (I love videos)…. This one doesn’t specifically talk about marriage, but the overall principles discussed can totally relate to marriage/future marriage. Enjoy!
