Tag Archives: divorce

“Faith, Hope, and Relationships”-Elder Michael T. Ringwood

So, I’ve been all worried about getting married because here at BYU-Idaho, marriage is stressed big-time. There don’t seem to be any prospects in my future and I’ll be graduating in two more semesters, which for me I think of as time running out. Obviously, I can’t make anything happen, so its been kind of depressing.

Today I was reading the scriptures and then found this talk on lds.org about “Faith, Hope, and Relationships,” by Elder Michael T. Ringwood which is exactly what I needed to read.

“Faith, Hope, and Relationship”-Elder Michael T. Ringwood

The whole desire thing is there, but to be honest, I don’t have a ton of belief about the whole thing, and there’s some hope as well, but I need to work on that too. But hey, you’ve got to start somewhere and a desire is still a great starting place.

In my own life, I’ve seen both positive and negative examples of marriages, the best positive example being my parents.

My dad and mom are very different in terms of personality, but they are both very committed to the Lord and to each other in their marriage and the covenants they have made. They have both gone through difficult things and were dirt poor when they got married, but they stuck with it and with each other and have always worked things out. One big thing that means a lot to me is that dad and mom don’t ever really fight. Yes, they have disagreements, but I’ve never heard them yell at each other and even when they are disagreeing, they still seem to do it in a respectful way. That’s a big thing, that they respect each other.

There are, of course, numerous negative examples of marriages and instances of divorce that are unique in each situation, but I think the best thing is to focus on the positive and have faith and take actions to make things work out and be committed to the other person and the Lord.

Here’s a really cute video that talks about expressions of love for a variety of different couples. Hopefully, I’ll be like that with my husband someday 🙂
